Enhancing the fight against COVID-19 through Media Engagement and Community Outreach

The purpose of the project was to enhance media coverage, awareness and outreach towards the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic which affected the entire fabric of the Liberian society, the West African sub-region and the world at large with the media community being no exception.

During the Ebola outbreak in Liberia, the media played a very pivotal role which helped to eradicate the virus from the country. With this, the role of the media in the fight against COVID-19 was paramount thus necessitating the need for the grant.

In addition, the LMC conducted public outreach and awareness in the five highly affected counties targeting academic institutions, commercial centers, youth and student organizations, commercial motorcyclists known as ‘pen-pen’ riders and rural dwellers. The process involved the production of COVID-19 awareness messages that was aired on community radio stations in the targeted counties.